Gamer Gamed

Roblox is a website that you can use bricks and other objects to create an awesome world. Not made by Lego or anyone else like them, Roblox is a little different. Some worlds that other people make you cannot build in, but, have no fear, you can sell, build, create badges and more with the builders's club. It only costs 5.95 each month to have many extra features. There is also a turbo builder's club, which only costs 11.95 a month. Also, in Roblox you can change the way your avatar looks.
9/9/2010 02:49:40 am

only nerds go to that website you penis head you need to fuckin find a good game you bitch.

Sally rehard
10/4/2010 07:39:06 am

I agree with james, you nerd. penis head. wow you fuckin bitch. lol i nver saw a sader person than the person who owns this website. and yes it was produced by the lego company you retard

12/7/2010 09:02:32 am

Go ahead and jerk off again k and this time do it good

none of ur business
6/27/2012 07:00:24 am

kid, quit talking shit about it, i agree with you though, but stop ruining the girls life, she was only 8 when u posted that


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